

英漢字典: work over

1. study or examine thoroughly 仔細檢查;鑽研

    For the term paper I worked over 30 volumes of American history. 為了寫學期論文,我鑽研了30卷美國史書。

    I spent some time in working over those statistic figures. 我花了一些時間去仔細檢查那些統計數字。

2. do again or anew 重新加工;翻新

    Every time I work the sum over,I get a different answer. 每次我復查這筆帳,得出的數字都不一樣。

    We are going to work over the old furniture. 我們打算翻新舊家具。

3. beat sb. up very roughly (in order to intimidate him or extort payment,etc. )痛打(為了威脅或勒索)

    They threatened to work him over until he talked. 他們威脅說要打到他開口為止。

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